Information About the Beauty of Boyun the Place of Haven 

        Nature is the best friend of human being, since its existence for the best interests of human beings dissolving of nature is highly necessary as. it is our sole responsibility that we save nature . Pakistan has riches of nature. Pakistan's city swat has vast the righties of beautiful nature. But today we have something very special. Yes we are visiting an area less known and less visited by the people. But this site is really amazing. 

      We are introducing heaven and all for sure the name of this heaven is boyun. Adjacent area to column at the distance of just fifteen mins. So let's start. Many countries earning an ample amount of revenue through tourism. Government of Pakistan and government of KP is work to improve and renovate the available infrastructure to attract the local and non-local tourists. Further more the Government has pointed out new scenic spots for which will be developed accessibility through roads. Either metallic areas or nonmetallic areas will be made. Boyun is one of them. This area is about the distance of three kilometers from Kalam to the right side of the river swat. Any one can reach in ten to fifteen minutes by car. Recently a country road has been made by Local Government which has opened the new areas of development for the driver through the route is steep. But the cars even with small engines can reached to the top with ease boyun title to heaven. 

        All having wash green postures snow-covered, Peaks conifer trees forests, fresh streams of water sweet, chirping birds continuous rhythmical music of soft wind. All these makes the area heaven Boyun is an elevated area and one can see the aerial view of kalam city. It's beautiful who tools markets shops, home and bridges of the Swat River from here which has a mesmerizing effect on the eyes of beholders. The hustle-bustle of kalam city can be seen from this pin drop silent natural stage as a whole view of the historical jungle and royal green playground can be sighted from this point as well. 

        The Russian issue and mighty green Auto drivel will make you speechless as the confluence of both makes Mighty. River Swat agrees to travel together and win the horse buyers shown the water running down with rhythmical music will raise your heartbeat. I am sure the beautiful sharp-edged mountains covered with fresh snow adorns the face of the plateau. This area is surrounded by gigantic mountains around of Hindukush range. These mountains are rich with conifer trees in shops the blue clean sky sparkling clouds and cool saw breeze will compel you to stay here long. Here the water flows from the sweet springs and melted snow of the mountains adds precious Jawale to the crown of the beauty and it also fulfills the needs of the people and their animals. The mountains are lush green Saif ul malook Peaks, Gotha Peaks, Seven Sisters and monkey all range mountains can be witnessed here are too much for trekkers. One root leaves to jug banal our famous Jabba Meadows at the distance of to find five hours the traveling on these mountains. Its too many rules for trekkers to climb to the clips. The cliffs are still in the disguise of snow in the myths of June. This blanket of snow will remain for months the black green forest is the unique age to this area. 

        The forest of conifer trees is really diverse on here. One can see tall mighty conifer trees which can be found at a few places around the globe these trees are very big. The difference in these two jungle is dead. The jungle of column has tall trees. You will find no small trees which will grow and replace the others and the branches from the trunk are choked off from the bottom. So the trees are bald from the bottom and have few branches on the top. But in the forest of boyun the picture is opposite here. One can witness the small trees of conifer as well as the aged tall and big. It has small branches from the very ground to the top which gives a very attractive look. These gigantic trees are worthy to be preserved these tall big trees reaches to the skies and are so fat enough that couple of people are needed to cover ground. Its trunk the leaves of the trees are so clean and green enough provides. Its unique charm to the picture of this area never the less.


        The deforestation is at its peak people chop it off for energy purposes. They cut it to cook food and warm themselves in the cold chilly weather. They use it for the construction purposes as well as the houses are made of food. even the vols the ratio of cutting wood is so high that the jungle of the area is under the threat. They destroy the tree by making fire to bone. Its bottom or peeling the trunk. So the tree starts slow journey tools and strength and vanishes in days wind become feeble. Although the Government is keen to preserve it. But the system needs a bit improvement and speed. The Government should provide them the ultimate energy sources. So they the precious jungle might be secured and preserved for the generations to come.