When Life Begins


            There was not a single slot left on the ground River, mountain, ditch, mound Sea and forest. Every slope of the earth has disappeared and every step was over. In the distance it was just a dirt field and the sky above the fire. But today the sky was not blue. There was red embers. This redness replaced the blazing fire of the sun. There was the effect of the flames of hell. Who, like a dragon, spreads its wings from time to time, leaping towards the sky, and trying to catch the sun. This horrible scene of the flames of hell and the blazing fire, these voices were shaking the hearts. Trembling hearts were the hearts of criminals. These were the hearts of careless, arrogant tyrants, murderers and rebels. These were the hearts of the pharaohs and tyrants of the earth. These were the hearts of the gods of their time and the gods of their time. These were the hearts of those who did not want to die in the past. But when they died, it was as if they had never lived on earth. These were the hearts of those who lived in the kingdom of God, ignoring God. These creatures were the hearts of those who established their divinity over God. They were devoid of human pain and remembrance of God. So today is the day when those who are heedless will be fed by the blazing flames of Hell and the never ending torment. The torment that awaited the rocks and their stone hearts to satisfy their hunger. Today was the day of these torments. His eternal hunger was about to disappear fearing these torments, these criminals of God keep running around seeking refuge, but what kind of shelter and what kind of safety in this Day of Judgment?. Everywhere there was calamity, misery and hardship, and stone-hearted criminals' endless misfortune. It is not known how many centuries have passed in this situation. This is the field of Judgment and the Day of Judgment. 

Life has begun

            It will never end. I am also standing in this field of Judgment and watching everything with empty eyes. Countless people are running and falling in front of me with the sound of flames rising in the air, people are screaming, crying and moaning. People are cursing each other, abusing each other, fighting, blaming each other, quarreling with each other. Someone is holding his head Someone is putting dust on his face Someone is hiding his face Someone is getting embarrassed. Someone is hitting the head with stones, someone is beating his chest, someone is cursing himself, someone is blaming his parents, wife, children, friends and leaders for his destruction. They all have the same problem. The Day of Judgment has come and they have no preparation for it. Mourn this patience and nothing can change now.

            Now we are just waiting for the appearance of the Lord of the universe, after which the reckoning will begin and the fate of each person will be decided with justice. Suddenly a man shouted very close to me. Death was better than that. The pit of the grave was better. I was so cut off from the world around me that this screaming voice brought me from the valleys of thought to the realm of reality where I had stood so long. In an instant, everything was fresh in my mind from beginning to end. My story, the story of the world, the story of life, all began to revolve in my mind like a movie train. I was in my house at the beginning of this terrible day. The location of this house cannot be explained to anyone in the outside world. To the naked eye, it was a dark pit of the grave, but in fact it was the first door to the Hereafter. The door that can't be opened from the inside I had no interest in opening this door because I had entered the world of Barzakh through this door. In which there was a never ending relief for me. On that day, my colleague and my dear friend Saleh came to see me. Saleh was the angel who remained on my right hand in the life of this world. His closeness was always a source of satisfaction for me in the life after death and even today, as usual, our pleasant conversation was going on. During the conversation, I asked him, man. Explain why your duty was imposed on me? Abdullah, The thing is, me and my friend used to do your duty in the world. He used to write down your evils and I used to write down your good deeds. You would not let me be free for two minutes. Sometimes remembrance of Allah, sometimes tears in remembrance of Allah, sometimes prayers for human beings, sometimes spending in the way of Allah, sometimes serving the people and nothing else, you always had a smile on your face for others. That's why I used to write something all the time. You killed me exhausted, but we angels are not like you human beings to repay evil with evil. So look at your response to this evil. I take care of you. Saleh answered my question very seriously. I replied with the same seriousness that I had done more evil than you to the one with the other hand. He would write down my sin, but I would repent immediately after that. Then he sat down and erased.

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